
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I’m sharing with you the Planet MicroCap Podcast: Australia Virtual Edition panel from this week’s SNN Network Australia Virtual Event. We have a stacked line-up: Tony Hansen, Matt Joass, Michael Liu and Connor Haley. Tony and Matt are flying the Aussie flag for us, Michael is playing the role of North American investor looking abroad and Connor wrote a pretty epic report called, “The Makings of a Multibagger”, which showcases how Australia made up 5.1% of the total investable universe, and yet 11.5% of the 104 best performing stocks over the last 5 years were listed on the ASX. Let that sink in while listening to these brilliant folks.
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Connor Haley, Alta Fox Capital
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AltaFoxCapital
Tony Hansen, EGP Capital
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EGPtony
Matt Joass, Maven Funds Management
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MattJoass
Michael Liu, Intelligent Fanatics Capital Management
Twitter: https://twitter.com/michael2017l