
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Eric Boroian. Eric is a Full-time investor based in Paris whose handle is @eboroian on Twitter. I was introduced to Eric by one of the best MicroCap investors in the game right now, Meredith Brill @LockStockBarrl on Twitter. It was funny, I was expecting to be speaking with someone from France with the French accent, so it was surprising to get on the Zoom and hear Eric’s Chicago accent. All jokes aside, I thoroughly enjoyed my conversation with Eric as we dive deep into his investing process. If there is any take away from our chat that you will hear - with investing, be creative, think outside the box and use that damn imagination of yours.
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You can Follow Eric Boroian on Twitter @eboroian: https://twitter.com/eboroian