
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Andrew Walker. He is the Founder/Editor of Yet Another Value Blog, Host of the Yet Another Value Podcast, Portfolio Manager at Rangeley Capital and co-host of the Rangeley Capital Podcast. I’ve been a fan and admirer of Andrew and all the work he’s done on his blog and podcasts, and this conversation was LONG overdue. In the similar vein of my chat with Bill Brewster, Andrew’s investing philosophy and strategy is well-covered on his platforms, so we have a fun time chatting about what he’s obsessed with currently, and geek out on our mutual love of Marvel, Game of Thrones, and more.
You can Follow Andrew Walker on Twitter @AndrewRangeley: https://twitter.com/AndrewRangeley
For more information about Andrew Walker, Yet Another Value Blog/Podcast and Rangeley Capital, please visit: https://yetanothervalueblog.com/ and http://www.rangeleycapital.com/
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