
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Tim Eriksen, Founder and Portfolio Manager at Cedar Creek Partners. We are continuing "Tim Eriksen"-week here on Planet MicroCap - be sure to check out our interview talking about Solition Devices (OTC: SODI), where Tim is the CEO. In addition to being CEO of a publicly traded company, Tim runs Cedar Creek Partners that focuses on Micro and Small Cap equities. We answer all your questions that came through on Twitter, and as the title suggests, making a business grow is not easy. Tim has no fear taking larger positions in MicroCap stocks, and enacting change to hopefully unlock value for shareholders, which can be difficult (at any level). We talk about a couple of those experiences, including PharmChem and Tix Corporation, as well as liquidity, position sizing and much more!
For more information about Cedar Creek Partners, please visit: https://www.eriksencapitalmgmt.com/
You can Follow Tim Eriksen on Twitter @eriksen_tim: https://twitter.com/eriksen_tim
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