
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Maj Soueidan from GeoInvesting.com, and Quim Abril, Portfolio Manager of Draco Global. I haven't had Maj on the pod for a little bit, and it's been a long summer, with a potentially longer winter ahead of us, and I wanted his thoughts on navigating our current MicroCap environment. Maj also recommended having Quim Abril on the show to give his take as well, and talk about his investing course geared towards native Spanish speakers. We discuss in depth that right now, at this point in 2022, when looking at MicroCaps (at any potential investment), Maj and Quim are focusing on KPI's, Key Performance Indicators that the company can show that indicates their business success, growth or lack thereof. It's easy right now to get wrapped up in so many different data points at both the macro and individual company scale, so being able to lock in on information that one can clearly see the overall performance of the business. Quim and Maj give a number of live examples to demonstrate what they mean by this. We also talk about overall pessimism in MicroCaps, thoughts on why and as demonstrated with honing in KPIs, what we can do about it.
For more information about GeoInvesting, please visit: https://geoinvesting.com/
For more information about Draco Global, please visit: https://www.dracoglobal.es/
You can Follow Maj Soueidan on Twitter @MajGeoinvesting: https://twitter.com/majgeoinvesting
You can Follow Quim Abril on Twitter @AbrilQuim: https://twitter.com/AbrilQuim
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