
Friday Dec 04, 2020
The Investors Roundtable #13: What Truly Defines Good (and Bad) Management?
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
In this Episode of The Investors Roundtable (Episode 13!), we have a great topic for you today that touches on themes we've discussed on here before, but it was time to dedicate a full episode to (sent in again by "Trosclair" @mictros on Twitter): "What truly defines good management (CEOs, CFOs, COOs), how to spot these characteristics and where it can be seen translated on the P&L and Balance Sheet". Thank you for watching and please enjoy!
***ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED ON September 25, 2020 on the SNN Network YouTube Channel***
Joining us today was:
Adrian Day, Adrian Day Asset Management
Website: http://www.adriandayassetmanagement.com/
Shelly Kraft, SNN Incorporated
Website: https://stocknewsnow.com/
Kevin Shea, Full-time Private Investor/MicroCapClub Contributor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thegoodprick