
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Friday Nov 19, 2021
For this episode of The Investors Roundtable (#42), we share our post-earnings reactions - chatting about supply chain issues, labor issues, trends that we saw as a result. We also have a great discussion about Energy markets - it's not every day we get Josh Young on - so we all had a chance to better understand what's happening right now.
Joining us today was:
Gary Ribe, Accretive Wealth Partners
Website: https://www.accretivewealthpartners.com/
Kevin Shea, @thegoodprick
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thegoodprick
Josh Young, Bison Interests
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Josh_Young_1
Website: https://bisoninterests.com/
Today's episode is sponsored by Quartr. Their mission is to change the way people look at Investor Relations, and create a completely new bridge between companies and stakeholders. Visit your app store of choice to try it out, and that's Q-U-A-R-T-R. For more information, please visit: https://quartr.com/
The Investors Roundtable, hosted by Robert Kraft, is a show exclusively on the SNN Network YouTube Channel, where investors meet to talk about finance and investing topics and share their insights with other panelists and....you! Every week, you never know who might be joining our panel or what topic will be discussed - just have to tune in every Friday to find out. Subscribe to SNN Network: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym