
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
For today's show, I invited on Hermann Peterscheck, Founder and Portfolio Manager at Hypernormal Capital Management LLC. I met him recently when he participated in the Stock Pitch World Cup on Team Europe. Also a US-resident, he was on Team Europe because he was pitching a video game development company based in Europe. I started thinking about my own experience with video games, and it took me a minute because my heyday was playing FIFA and Madden on Playstation 2. Safe to say, the gaming industry has grown A LOT since then.
I've also interviewed a number of MicroCap companies that would describe themselves as gaming or gaming-adjacent, and while it doesn't take a rocket scientist to recognize the explosion of video games, some of the newer entrants and business models haven't quite made a whole lot of sense to me. So, I brought on Hermann, who has 20+ years experience working and investing in the gaming industry, to cure me of my old man syndrome, and hopefully help all of us better understand how to think about investing in this space.
For more information about Hermann Peterscheck and Hypernormal Capital, please visit: https://hypernormalcapital.com/
You can Follow Hermann Peterscheck on Twitter @petershk: https://twitter.com/petershk
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Stream by AlphaSense, an expert interview transcript library that integrates AI-generated call summaries and NLP search technology so their clients can quickly pinpoint the most critical insights. Start your FREE trial on their website: https://streamrg.co/PMC
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the Planet MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft

Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
For today's show, I invited on Eden Rahim, Portfolio Manager for the Next Edge Biotech and Life Sciences Opportunities Fund. It's been a bloodbath for biotech in the last two years - according to the S&P Biotechnology Select Industry Index, the sector has been down ~45-50%. At the same time, in 2023, also according to the S&P Biotechnology Select Industry Index, the sector is up about 4-5% already on the year (as of January 20, 2023). Whether this is a sign that things are looking up for biotech is still too early to tell, but I felt its worth discussing why its been hard times in biotech in 2021 and 2022. Eden and I also discuss what he's looking for amongst the biotech rubble, in particular, why it's so important to pay attention to how Phase 2b clinical trials are constructed. We close out with his biotech predications for 2023.
For more information about Eden Rahim and Next Edge Capital, please visit: https://www.nextedgecapital.com/funds/next-edge-biotech-and-life-sciences-opportunities-fund/overview/
You can Follow Eden Rahim on Twitter @EdenRahim: https://twitter.com/EdenRahim
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Stream by AlphaSense, an expert interview transcript library that integrates AI-generated call summaries and NLP search technology so their clients can quickly pinpoint the most critical insights. Start your FREE trial on their website: https://streamrg.co/PMC
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the Planet MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft

Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
For today's show, I invited on Avi Fisher, Portfolio Manager and Chief Curiosity Officer at Long Cast Advisors. Avi and I start off the conversation reflecting on 2022, and that quickly evolved into how Avi's experience in 2020 set him up for a year, like 2022, was for MicroCaps. Specifically, he shares the best advice he received in the midst of a tough 2020 - "Don't Let Long-term Investing Blur into Entropy"; I think this phrase works for all investors and, in my opinion, can be a helpful concept when assessing and reassessing your portfolio. Following our conversation about 2022 and looking ahead to 2023, Avi and I discuss Research Solutions, RSSS on NASDAQ, which, as Avi points out, articulates his investing process in MicroCaps.
For more information about Avi Fisher and Long Cast Advisers, please visit: http://www.longcastadvisers.com/
You can Follow Avi Fisher on Twitter @LongCastAdviser: https://twitter.com/longcastadviser
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Stream by AlphaSense, an expert interview transcript library that integrates AI-generated call summaries and NLP search technology so their clients can quickly pinpoint the most critical insights. Start your FREE trial on their website: https://streamrg.co/PMC
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the Planet MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft

Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Amerigo Resources (TSX: ARG) (OTCQX: ARREF): Copper Producer without a Copper Mine
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
My guest on the show today is Aurora Davidson, President and CEO of Amerigo Resources Ltd. (TSX: ARG) / (OTCQX: ARREF). Amerigo is an innovative copper producer with a long-term relationship with Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile (“Codelco”), the world’s largest copper producer. Amerigo produces copper concentrate and molybdenum concentrate as a by-product at the MVC operation in Chile by processing fresh and historic tailings from Codelco’s El Teniente mine, the world's largest underground copper mine.
- Amerigo's business model, and how they are copper producer without owning an actual copper mine
- Working exclusively with Codelco and what that means for their business and future growth potential
- Geopolitical risks working in Chile, and;
- Her vision for the company in 3-5 years
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Socialsuite takes the complexity out of Environmental, Social, and Governance or ESG reporting. Socialsuite helps organizations to measure, monitor and report on their progress to create value through ESG in order to raise capital, improve brand and reputation, as well as mitigate risk. Socialsuite’s software platform makes ESG reporting fast, simple and affordable. Companies can start building a baseline report in under 60 minutes and start reporting publicly within 30 days. Start your ESG journey - today. Visit https://www.socialsuitehq.com/ to learn more.
This podcast was recorded and is being made available by SNN, Inc. (together with its affiliates and its and their employees, “SNN”) solely for informational purposes. SNN is not providing or undertaking to provide any financial, economic, legal, accounting, tax, or other advice in or by virtue of this podcast. The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions provided in this podcast are general in nature, and such information, statements, comments, views, and opinions, and the viewing of/listening to this podcast are not intended to be and should not be construed as the provision of investment advice by SNN. The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast do not constitute and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any securities or to make or consider any investment or other course of action.
The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast (including by guest speakers who are not officers, employees, or agents of SNN) are not necessarily those of SNN and may not be current. Reference to any specific third-party entity, product, service, materials, or content does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the SNN. SNN assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in third party materials or on third party sites referenced in this podcast or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced herein. The views expressed by guest speakers are their own and their appearance on this podcast does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. SNN does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information, statements, comments, views, or opinions contained in this podcast, which may include forward-looking statements where actual results may differ materially. SNN does not undertake any obligation whatsoever to provide any form of update, amendment, change, or correction to any of the information, statements, comments, views or opinions set forth in this podcast.
By accessing this podcast, the listener acknowledges that the entire contents and design of this podcast, are the property of SNN, or used by SNN with permission, and are protected under U.S. and international copyright and trademark laws. Except as otherwise provided herein, users of this podcast may save and use information contained in the podcast only for personal or other non-commercial educational purposes. No other use, including without limitation, reproduction, retransmission, or editing of this podcast may be made without the prior written consent of SNN.

Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
For today's show, I invited back on Adam Wilk, Founder and Portfolio Manager of Greystone Capital Management. It's still January, it's still time to reflect on the year that was, and so, we did just that. Last time I had Adam on was about 4 years ago, and since then his fund has grown, as well as his experience as a MicroCap investor. We jam on a few topics here today: what worked for him in 2022, specifically: businesses doing accretive M&A (which we get into more) and activist involvement, what didn't work, managing mental and emotional side of investing, especially in a year like 2022, capital raising in this environment and positioning himself heading into 2023. Speaking to the headline of today's show, we also discuss why his investment in Polished.com has, "been one of the more frustrating investments I've ever made", and the idea of frustrating investments in general.
For more information about Adam Wilk and Greystone Capital Management, please visit: https://www.greystonevalue.com/
You can Follow Adam Wilk on Twitter @AKWilk: https://twitter.com/AKWilk
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Stream by AlphaSense, an expert interview transcript library that integrates AI-generated call summaries and NLP search technology so their clients can quickly pinpoint the most critical insights. Start your FREE trial on their website: https://streamrg.co/PMC
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of www.SNN.Network, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft

Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
Tuesday Jan 10, 2023
As of Sunday, January 8, 2023, China has re-opened its doors to travellers. In the previous few months, while the rest of the world has gone back to pre-pandemic guidelines and everything has opened up, China had remained on very strict lockdowns, and from a international business perspective, folks were wondering what are we supposed to do about this - will China ever re-open? If so, what will the new restrictions be?
Also, how do we think about China within the international business community when you compound lockdowns with their association with allegations of supporting Putin in the Ukraine War and the crackdown on Chinese tech companies.
Nevertheless, China has re-opened, and I wanted to put this news into context as some institutions start to look at investing overseas to park capital if the U.S. is to go into a recession. To help me answer all these questions, I invited on Michael Fritzell, Editor of Asian Century Stocks. Michael is Swedish citizen who has been living in Asia since 2009, currently resides in Singapore, and has been investing in Asian stocks since 2008.
In our discussion today, we discuss the China re-opening, consumer trends we should be looking in China with the re-opening, non-Chinese companies that sell product to China consumer base, investing in non-China-based Asian companies, and what this all means for MicroCaps in general.
For more information about Asian Century Stocks, please visit: https://www.asiancenturystocks.com/
You can Follow Michael Fritzell on Twitter @Fritz844: https://twitter.com/Fritz844
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Stream by AlphaSense, an expert interview transcript library that integrates AI-generated call summaries and NLP search technology so their clients can quickly pinpoint the most critical insights. Start your FREE trial on their website: https://streamrg.co/PMC
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of www.SNN.Network, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft

Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
My guest on the show today is William Trainer, CEO, President, Director of Vicinity Motor Corp. (NASDAQ: VEV) (TSX-V: VMC). Vicinity Motor Corp. is a North American supplier of electric vehicles for both public and commercial enterprise use. The Company leverages a dealer network and close relationships with world-class manufacturing partners to supply its flagship electric, CNG and clean-diesel Vicinity buses, the VMC 1200 electric truck and a VMC Optimal-EV shuttle bus.
I've known Vicinity for a long time now, since they were known as Grande West Transportation, and I invited Will on to share their journey, as well as:
- Recently announced $100M+ Purchase Order for 1,000 VMC 1200 Electric Trucks, and what that means for the company
- Diversifying their product offering beyond Electric Buses for municipalities into Electric Trucks
- Managing supply chain disruptions that they and most auto manufacturers experienced, and;
- How 2023 is all about executing their business model
With that, please enjoy my conversation with William Trainer, CEO, President, Director of Vicinity Motor Corp. For more information about Vicinity Motor, please visit: https://vicinitymotorcorp.com/
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Socialsuite takes the complexity out of Environmental, Social, and Governance or ESG reporting. Socialsuite helps organizations to measure, monitor and report on their progress to create value through ESG in order to raise capital, improve brand and reputation, as well as mitigate risk. Socialsuite’s software platform makes ESG reporting fast, simple and affordable. Companies can start building a baseline report in under 60 minutes and start reporting publicly within 30 days. Start your ESG journey - today. Visit https://www.socialsuitehq.com/ to learn more.
This podcast was recorded and is being made available by SNN, Inc. (together with its affiliates and its and their employees, “SNN”) solely for informational purposes. SNN is not providing or undertaking to provide any financial, economic, legal, accounting, tax, or other advice in or by virtue of this podcast. The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions provided in this podcast are general in nature, and such information, statements, comments, views, and opinions, and the viewing of/listening to this podcast are not intended to be and should not be construed as the provision of investment advice by SNN. The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast do not constitute and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any securities or to make or consider any investment or other course of action.
The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast (including by guest speakers who are not officers, employees, or agents of SNN) are not necessarily those of SNN and may not be current. Reference to any specific third-party entity, product, service, materials, or content does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the SNN. SNN assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in third party materials or on third party sites referenced in this podcast or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced herein. The views expressed by guest speakers are their own and their appearance on this podcast does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. SNN does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information, statements, comments, views, or opinions contained in this podcast, which may include forward-looking statements where actual results may differ materially. SNN does not undertake any obligation whatsoever to provide any form of update, amendment, change, or correction to any of the information, statements, comments, views or opinions set forth in this podcast.
By accessing this podcast, the listener acknowledges that the entire contents and design of this podcast, are the property of SNN, or used by SNN with permission, and are protected under U.S. and international copyright and trademark laws. Except as otherwise provided herein, users of this podcast may save and use information contained in the podcast only for personal or other non-commercial educational purposes. No other use, including without limitation, reproduction, retransmission, or editing of this podcast may be made without the prior written consent of SNN.

Monday Jan 02, 2023
Monday Jan 02, 2023
I invited Artem Fokin, Founder and Portfolio Manager of Caro-Kann Capital to do our version of a 2022 wrap-up in MicroCaps and whether or not our observations could be indicators of trends for 2023. 2022 was a difficult year for almost everyone's portfolio across the board, especially if you are an active MicroCap investor, and so we reflect on events that could've been catalysts for steep declines in MicroCap stock prices. Artem and I also provide our observations, including our thoughts on who the biggest winners and losers were for 2022.
For more information about Caro-Kann Capital, please visit: http://caro-kann-capital.com/
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Stream by AlphaSense, an expert interview transcript library that integrates AI-generated call summaries and NLP search technology so their clients can quickly pinpoint the most critical insights. Start your FREE trial on their website: https://streamrg.co/PMC
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of www.SNN.Network, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft

Thursday Dec 29, 2022
AUDIO REPLAY: Stock Pitch World Cup™ - Team Canada
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Stock Pitch World Cup™ - Team Canada hosted by Paul Andreola at the Planet MicroCap Showcase: VIRTUAL | December 6-8, 2022.
Stock Pitchers:
Sharon Wang, PenderFund
Harold Leishman, Canaccord Genuity
Ryan Irvine, Keystone Financial @RyanIrvine75
Mathieu Martin, Rivemont MicroCap Fund @espacemc
Video version of the Stock Pitch World Cup™ - Team Canada, can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w16dgPQpvcM
This podcast was recorded and is being made available by SNN, Inc. (together with its affiliates and its and their employees, “SNN”) solely for informational purposes. SNN is not providing or undertaking to provide any financial, economic, legal, accounting, tax, or other advice in or by virtue of this podcast. The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions provided in this podcast are general in nature, and such information, statements, comments, views, and opinions, and the viewing of/listening to this podcast are not intended to be and should not be construed as the provision of investment advice by SNN. The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast do not constitute and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any securities or to make or consider any investment or other course of action.
The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast (including by guest speakers who are not officers, employees, or agents of SNN) are not necessarily those of SNN and may not be current. Reference to any specific third-party entity, product, service, materials, or content does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the SNN. SNN assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in third party materials or on third party sites referenced in this podcast or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced herein. The views expressed by guest speakers are their own and their appearance on this podcast does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. SNN does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information, statements, comments, views, or opinions contained in this podcast, which may include forward-looking statements where actual results may differ materially. SNN does not undertake any obligation whatsoever to provide any form of update, amendment, change, or correction to any of the information, statements, comments, views or opinions set forth in this podcast.
By accessing this podcast, the listener acknowledges that the entire contents and design of this podcast, are the property of SNN, or used by SNN with permission, and are protected under U.S. and international copyright and trademark laws. Except as otherwise provided herein, users of this podcast may save and use information contained in the podcast only for personal or other non-commercial educational purposes. No other use, including without limitation, reproduction, retransmission, or editing of this podcast may be made without the prior written consent of SNN.

Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
AUDIO REPLAY: Stock Pitch World Cup™ - Team USA
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
Wednesday Dec 28, 2022
Stock Pitch World Cup™ - Team USA hosted by Maj Soueidan at the Planet MicroCap Showcase: VIRTUAL | December 6-8, 2022.
Stock Pitchers:
Quim Abril @AbrilQuim
Jan Svenda @JanSvenda
Scott Weis, Semco Capital
Video version of the Stock Pitch World Cup™ - Team USA, can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rJq7o9Za1I
This podcast was recorded and is being made available by SNN, Inc. (together with its affiliates and its and their employees, “SNN”) solely for informational purposes. SNN is not providing or undertaking to provide any financial, economic, legal, accounting, tax, or other advice in or by virtue of this podcast. The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions provided in this podcast are general in nature, and such information, statements, comments, views, and opinions, and the viewing of/listening to this podcast are not intended to be and should not be construed as the provision of investment advice by SNN. The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast do not constitute and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any securities or to make or consider any investment or other course of action.
The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast (including by guest speakers who are not officers, employees, or agents of SNN) are not necessarily those of SNN and may not be current. Reference to any specific third-party entity, product, service, materials, or content does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the SNN. SNN assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in third party materials or on third party sites referenced in this podcast or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced herein. The views expressed by guest speakers are their own and their appearance on this podcast does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. SNN does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information, statements, comments, views, or opinions contained in this podcast, which may include forward-looking statements where actual results may differ materially. SNN does not undertake any obligation whatsoever to provide any form of update, amendment, change, or correction to any of the information, statements, comments, views or opinions set forth in this podcast.
By accessing this podcast, the listener acknowledges that the entire contents and design of this podcast, are the property of SNN, or used by SNN with permission, and are protected under U.S. and international copyright and trademark laws. Except as otherwise provided herein, users of this podcast may save and use information contained in the podcast only for personal or other non-commercial educational purposes. No other use, including without limitation, reproduction, retransmission, or editing of this podcast may be made without the prior written consent of SNN.