
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
Thursday Jul 14, 2022
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Tim Eriksen, Founder and Portfolio Manager at Cedar Creek Partners. We are continuing "Tim Eriksen"-week here on Planet MicroCap - be sure to check out our interview talking about Solition Devices (OTC: SODI), where Tim is the CEO. In addition to being CEO of a publicly traded company, Tim runs Cedar Creek Partners that focuses on Micro and Small Cap equities. We answer all your questions that came through on Twitter, and as the title suggests, making a business grow is not easy. Tim has no fear taking larger positions in MicroCap stocks, and enacting change to hopefully unlock value for shareholders, which can be difficult (at any level). We talk about a couple of those experiences, including PharmChem and Tix Corporation, as well as liquidity, position sizing and much more!
For more information about Cedar Creek Partners, please visit: https://www.eriksencapitalmgmt.com/
You can Follow Tim Eriksen on Twitter @eriksen_tim: https://twitter.com/eriksen_tim
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Stream by AlphaSense, an expert interview transcript library that integrates AI-generated call summaries and NLP search technology so their clients can quickly pinpoint the most critical insights. Start your FREE trial on their website: https://streamrg.co/PMC
Quartr, their mission is to change the way people look at Investor Relations, and create a completely new bridge between companies and stakeholders. Visit your app store of choice to try it out, and that's Q-U-A-R-T-R. For more information, please visit: https://quartr.com/
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of www.SNN.Network, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft
![Solitron Devices (OTC: SODI): Supplier to the Defense Industry for Electronic Components [Due Diligence Podcast]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/793340/apple-podcast-v2_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
My guest on the show today is Tim Eriksen, CEO of Solitron Devices (OTC: SODI). Headquartered in West Palm Beach, FL USA, Solitron Devices manufactures power semiconductors and integrated power solutions for systems that demand the ultimate in performance and reliability. Customers in aerospace, defense, industrial and space rely on Solitron’s innovative products to develop smaller, lighter weight, higher efficiency systems level power solutions.
Solitron Devices has been requested a few times when I've crowd-sourced who y'all want to hear on the show, and Tim did not disappoint. We had a wide-ranging discussion about:
- History of Solitron Devices, and how Tim got involved
- Crossing over from shareholder to CEO, and understanding the defense industry
- Downside risks, OTC Markets, and where he sees the company in 3-5 years
With that, please enjoy my conversation with Tim Eriksen, CEO of Solitron Devices. For more information about Solitron Devices, please visit: https://solitrondevices.com/
This podcast was recorded and is being made available by SNN, Inc. (together with its affiliates and its and their employees, “SNN”) solely for informational purposes. SNN is not providing or undertaking to provide any financial, economic, legal, accounting, tax, or other advice in or by virtue of this podcast. The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions provided in this podcast are general in nature, and such information, statements, comments, views, and opinions, and the viewing of/listening to this podcast are not intended to be and should not be construed as the provision of investment advice by SNN. The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast do not constitute and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any securities or to make or consider any investment or other course of action.
The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast (including by guest speakers who are not officers, employees, or agents of SNN) are not necessarily those of SNN and may not be current. Reference to any specific third-party entity, product, service, materials, or content does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the SNN. SNN assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in third party materials or on third party sites referenced in this podcast or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced herein. The views expressed by guest speakers are their own and their appearance on this podcast does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. SNN does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information, statements, comments, views, or opinions contained in this podcast, which may include forward-looking statements where actual results may differ materially. SNN does not undertake any obligation whatsoever to provide any form of update, amendment, change, or correction to any of the information, statements, comments, views or opinions set forth in this podcast.
By accessing this podcast, the listener acknowledges that the entire contents and design of this podcast, are the property of SNN, or used by SNN with permission, and are protected under U.S. and international copyright and trademark laws. Except as otherwise provided herein, users of this podcast may save and use information contained in the podcast only for personal or other non-commercial educational purposes. No other use, including without limitation, reproduction, retransmission, or editing of this podcast may be made without the prior written consent of SNN.

Thursday Jul 07, 2022
Thursday Jul 07, 2022
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Sharon Wang, Senior Investment Analyst at PenderFund. We originally met when Sharon moderated a panel, titled, "MicroCap Technology Growth Companies" at our virtual event in December 2021 (highly recommend checking that out), and I wanted to get to know Sharon and her investing philosophy better. Assuming that you've been following the news, or better yet seen the performance from the MicroCap Review Index, the broader markets have been taking a bit of a shellacking with MicroCaps taking the brunt of this beatdown. With all this in mind, the best investors see market drawdowns as a chance to find and/or add to quality positions. That's what Sharon and I discuss today; what she looks for and her small and MicroCap criteria during market drawdowns.
For more information about Sharon Wang and PenderFund, please visit: https://www.penderfund.com/
This podcast was recorded and is being made available by SNN, Inc. (together with its affiliates and its and their employees, “SNN”) solely for informational purposes. SNN is not providing or undertaking to provide any financial, economic, legal, accounting, tax, or other advice in or by virtue of this podcast. The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions provided in this podcast are general in nature, and such information, statements, comments, views, and opinions, and the viewing of/listening to this podcast are not intended to be and should not be construed as the provision of investment advice by SNN. The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast do not constitute and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any securities or to make or consider any investment or other course of action.
The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast (including by guest speakers who are not officers, employees, or agents of SNN) are not necessarily those of SNN and may not be current. Reference to any specific third-party entity, product, service, materials, or content does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the SNN. SNN assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in third party materials or on third party sites referenced in this podcast or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced herein. The views expressed by guest speakers are their own and their appearance on this podcast does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. SNN does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information, statements, comments, views, or opinions contained in this podcast, which may include forward-looking statements where actual results may differ materially. SNN does not undertake any obligation whatsoever to provide any form of update, amendment, change, or correction to any of the information, statements, comments, views or opinions set forth in this podcast.
By accessing this podcast, the listener acknowledges that the entire contents and design of this podcast, are the property of SNN, or used by SNN with permission, and are protected under U.S. and international copyright and trademark laws. Except as otherwise provided herein, users of this podcast may save and use information contained in the podcast only for personal or other non-commercial educational purposes. No other use, including without limitation, reproduction, retransmission, or editing of this podcast may be made without the prior written consent of SNN.

Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
AudioEye (NASDAQ: AEYE): Eradicate All Barriers to Digital Accessibility
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
My guest on the show today is Dr. Carr Bettis, Executive Chairman of AudioEye (NASDAQ: AEYE). AudioEye is a digital accessibility platform delivering ADA and WCAG compliance at scale. By combining technology and subject matter expertise, AudioEye is helping companies and content creators solve every aspect of web accessibility—from finding and resolving issues to navigating legal compliance, to ongoing monitoring and upkeep. AudioEye delivers automated remediations and continuous monitoring for accessibility issues without making fundamental changes to website architecture, source code, or browser-based tools.
AudioEye's thesis is a relatively simple and painfully obvious problem on so many levels that needs a solution. We talk about this and:
- AudioEye's technology platform to make the digital landscape fully accessible for all participants
- Capital allocation decision making process; and,
- What investors get most confused about with the company.
With that, please enjoy my conversation with Dr. Carr Bettis, Executive Chairman of AudioEye. For more information about AudioEye, please visit: https://www.audioeye.com/
This podcast was recorded and is being made available by SNN, Inc. (together with its affiliates and its and their employees, “SNN”) solely for informational purposes. SNN is not providing or undertaking to provide any financial, economic, legal, accounting, tax, or other advice in or by virtue of this podcast. The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions provided in this podcast are general in nature, and such information, statements, comments, views, and opinions, and the viewing of/listening to this podcast are not intended to be and should not be construed as the provision of investment advice by SNN. The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast do not constitute and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any securities or to make or consider any investment or other course of action.
The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast (including by guest speakers who are not officers, employees, or agents of SNN) are not necessarily those of SNN and may not be current. Reference to any specific third-party entity, product, service, materials, or content does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the SNN. SNN assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in third party materials or on third party sites referenced in this podcast or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced herein. The views expressed by guest speakers are their own and their appearance on this podcast does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. SNN does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information, statements, comments, views, or opinions contained in this podcast, which may include forward-looking statements where actual results may differ materially. SNN does not undertake any obligation whatsoever to provide any form of update, amendment, change, or correction to any of the information, statements, comments, views or opinions set forth in this podcast.
By accessing this podcast, the listener acknowledges that the entire contents and design of this podcast, are the property of SNN, or used by SNN with permission, and are protected under U.S. and international copyright and trademark laws. Except as otherwise provided herein, users of this podcast may save and use information contained in the podcast only for personal or other non-commercial educational purposes. No other use, including without limitation, reproduction, retransmission, or editing of this podcast may be made without the prior written consent of SNN.

Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Ep. 231 - Staying in the Game with Howard Lindzon, Entrepreneur and Venture Capitalist
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Entrepreneur, Venture Capitalist, and Host of "Panic with Friends" podcast, Howard Lindzon. When I was first getting my feet wet in the business and learning about the stock market, StockTwits was one of the first platforms I used. This was back in 2011 before Twitter and Fintwit became what it is today. So, to say I've been a fan of Howard is an understatement. I don't care what anyone says, the idea of Fintwit (for better or worse) began with Howard. In our conversation, we chatted about a wide variety of topics, including: what staying in the (investing) game looks like for him, his criteria for new potential investments and his thoughts on current events in finance. This was an awesome experience for me and I'm stoked Howard took the time to talk with me.
For more information about Howard Lindzon, please visit: www.HowardLindzon.com
You can Follow Howard Lindzon on Twitter @howardlindzon: https://twitter.com/howardlindzon
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Stream by AlphaSense, an expert interview transcript library that integrates AI-generated call summaries and NLP search technology so their clients can quickly pinpoint the most critical insights. Start your FREE trial on their website: https://streamrg.co/PMC
Quartr, their mission is to change the way people look at Investor Relations, and create a completely new bridge between companies and stakeholders. Visit your app store of choice to try it out, and that's Q-U-A-R-T-R. For more information, please visit: https://quartr.com/
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of www.SNN.Network, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft

Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Michael Melby, Founder and Portfolio Manager at Gate City Capital Management. I've met Michael at multiple MicroCapClub Leadership Summits, where I think he's participated in multiple stock pitches at those events. I'd been wanting to chat with Michael for a while on the pod, and I'm stoked that we could make it happen. Michael is a deep value microcap investor. Simply put, we spend our time breaking down what that means and going through some examples that demonstrate that philosophy.
For more information about Gate City Capital Management, please visit: https://www.gatecitycap.com/
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Stream by AlphaSense, an expert interview transcript library that integrates AI-generated call summaries and NLP search technology so their clients can quickly pinpoint the most critical insights. Start your FREE trial on their website: https://streamrg.co/PMC
Quartr, their mission is to change the way people look at Investor Relations, and create a completely new bridge between companies and stakeholders. Visit your app store of choice to try it out, and that's Q-U-A-R-T-R. For more information, please visit: https://quartr.com/
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of www.SNN.Network, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft
![The Glimpse Group (NASDAQ: VRAR): Enterprise Software & Services for the Immersive Technology Cycle [Due Diligence Podcast]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/793340/apple-podcast-v2_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
My guest on the show today is Lyron Bentovim, President & CEO of The Glimpse Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: VRAR). The company is a diversified Virtual and Augmented Reality platform company, comprised of multiple VR and AR software & services companies, and designed with the specific purpose of cultivating companies in the emerging VR/AR industry.
The metaverse, virtual reality, augmented reality all comprise what's known as "Immersive Technologies", which, as I learned from Lyron, we are in the first phase of this technology cycle. I wanted to chat with Lyron about all of this, especially since we're in the early innings, as well as how The Glimpse Group is addressing:
- Emerging immersive technology cycle
- Where we are at in the cycle and why, and;
- The Glimpse Group's corporate strategy to mitigate the growth aspect associated with new tech
With that, please enjoy my conversation with Lyron Bentovim, President & CEO of The Glimpse Group, Inc. For more information about The Glimpse Group, please visit: https://www.theglimpsegroup.com/
This podcast was recorded and is being made available by SNN, Inc. (together with its affiliates and its and their employees, “SNN”) solely for informational purposes. SNN is not providing or undertaking to provide any financial, economic, legal, accounting, tax, or other advice in or by virtue of this podcast. The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions provided in this podcast are general in nature, and such information, statements, comments, views, and opinions, and the viewing of/listening to this podcast are not intended to be and should not be construed as the provision of investment advice by SNN. The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast do not constitute and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any securities or to make or consider any investment or other course of action.
The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast (including by guest speakers who are not officers, employees, or agents of SNN) are not necessarily those of SNN and may not be current. Reference to any specific third-party entity, product, service, materials, or content does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the SNN. SNN assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in third party materials or on third party sites referenced in this podcast or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced herein. The views expressed by guest speakers are their own and their appearance on this podcast does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. SNN does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information, statements, comments, views, or opinions contained in this podcast, which may include forward-looking statements where actual results may differ materially. SNN does not undertake any obligation whatsoever to provide any form of update, amendment, change, or correction to any of the information, statements, comments, views or opinions set forth in this podcast.
By accessing this podcast, the listener acknowledges that the entire contents and design of this podcast, are the property of SNN, or used by SNN with permission, and are protected under U.S. and international copyright and trademark laws. Except as otherwise provided herein, users of this podcast may save and use information contained in the podcast only for personal or other non-commercial educational purposes. No other use, including without limitation, reproduction, retransmission, or editing of this podcast may be made without the prior written consent of SNN.

Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Ep. 229 - Patience is Your Friend with Adam Mead, CEO and CIO of Mead Capital Management
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Adam Mead, CEO and CIO of Mead Capital Management, Author of “The Complete Financial History of Berkshire Hathaway”, Founder of Watchlist Investing Newsletter. As the title indicates, "Patience is Your Friend"; we know this phrase, and some of us truly embrace the meaning behind it. Adam's main takeaway from going to this year's Berkshire meeting was this phrase. When one of your heroes or person that you highly respect uses phrases like this, I don't know about you, but I most definitely listen and want to better understand why. In our conversation, Adam and I try to answer that question.
For more information about Mead Capital Management, please visit: https://meadcm.com/
You can Follow Adam Mead on Twitter @BRK_Student: https://twitter.com/BRK_Student
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Stream by AlphaSense, an expert interview transcript library that integrates AI-generated call summaries and NLP search technology so their clients can quickly pinpoint the most critical insights. Start your FREE trial on their website: https://streamrg.co/PMC
Quartr, their mission is to change the way people look at Investor Relations, and create a completely new bridge between companies and stakeholders. Visit your app store of choice to try it out, and that's Q-U-A-R-T-R. For more information, please visit: https://quartr.com/
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of www.SNN.Network, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft
![Crexendo, Inc. (NASDAQ: CXDO): Phone Services for Any Size Business Hosted on the Cloud [Due Diligence Podcast]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/image-logo/793340/apple-podcast-v2_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
My guest on the show today is Doug Gaylor, President and COO of Crexendo, Inc. (NASDAQ: CXDO). The company is a provider of Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS), Call Center as a Service (CCaaS), communication platform software solutions, and collaboration services designed to provide enterprise-class cloud communication solutions to any size business through their business partners, agents, and direct channels. Crexendo's solutions currently support over two Million end users globally and was recently recognized as the fastest growing UCaaS platform in the United States.
Crexendo has been written up in some MicroCap newsletters I respect, and Doug did an interview with Maj Soueidan on one of our pods a while back. I invited Doug to join me for this conversation to discuss:
- Where he sees the company in 3-5 years
- the inflection points that will get them to that point, and;
- How COVID impacted Crexendo
With that, please enjoy my conversation with Doug Gaylor, President and COO of Crexendo, Inc. For more information about Crexendo, Inc., please visit: https://www.crexendo.com/
This podcast was recorded and is being made available by SNN, Inc. (together with its affiliates and its and their employees, “SNN”) solely for informational purposes. SNN is not providing or undertaking to provide any financial, economic, legal, accounting, tax, or other advice in or by virtue of this podcast. The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions provided in this podcast are general in nature, and such information, statements, comments, views, and opinions, and the viewing of/listening to this podcast are not intended to be and should not be construed as the provision of investment advice by SNN. The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast do not constitute and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any securities or to make or consider any investment or other course of action.
The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed in this podcast (including by guest speakers who are not officers, employees, or agents of SNN) are not necessarily those of SNN and may not be current. Reference to any specific third-party entity, product, service, materials, or content does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the SNN. SNN assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of the content contained in third party materials or on third party sites referenced in this podcast or the compliance with applicable laws of such materials and/or links referenced herein. The views expressed by guest speakers are their own and their appearance on this podcast does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. SNN does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information, statements, comments, views, or opinions contained in this podcast, which may include forward-looking statements where actual results may differ materially. SNN does not undertake any obligation whatsoever to provide any form of update, amendment, change, or correction to any of the information, statements, comments, views or opinions set forth in this podcast.
By accessing this podcast, the listener acknowledges that the entire contents and design of this podcast, are the property of SNN, or used by SNN with permission, and are protected under U.S. and international copyright and trademark laws. Except as otherwise provided herein, users of this podcast may save and use information contained in the podcast only for personal or other non-commercial educational purposes. No other use, including without limitation, reproduction, retransmission, or editing of this podcast may be made without the prior written consent of SNN.

Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Nathan Weinstein, Head of Healthcare Equity Research at Aegis Capital Corp. I asked a few companies in my network to connect me with Nathan because I wanted to learn more about the Psychedelics sector. I remember quite vividly when the Cannabis sector started to gain traction in public markets, for me that was back in 2014. Psychedelics companies have come on the public markets scene in the last 18-24 months, and how its performance is very reminiscent of how Cannabis got its start. We've had a number of psychedelics companies present at our events, and thought it was time to figure out if this was a passing fad or here to stay.
For more information about Aegis Capital Corp., please visit: https://www.aegiscapcorp.com/
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Stream by AlphaSense, an expert interview transcript library that integrates AI-generated call summaries and NLP search technology so their clients can quickly pinpoint the most critical insights. Start your FREE trial on their website: https://streamrg.co/PMC
Quartr, their mission is to change the way people look at Investor Relations, and create a completely new bridge between companies and stakeholders. Visit your app store of choice to try it out, and that's Q-U-A-R-T-R. For more information, please visit: https://quartr.com/
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of www.SNN.Network, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft