
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Ian Hunter, Portfolio Manager at Hunter Value Capital. We have crossed paths at many MicroCap investing events over the years and I was excited to catch up on the pod. Ian is a true, blue MicroCap investor, who, when asked about his investing philosophy, he's all about "The Art of Subtraction." In our conversation, we discuss what his means, his "Ideal Investment", importance of getting repetition in talking with management, healthy skepticism and even a little Crypto talk.
For more information about Hunter Value Capital, please visit: https://huntervalue.com/
You can Follow Ian Hunter on Twitter @HunterValueCap: https://twitter.com/HunterValueCap
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Stream by Mosaic, an expert interview transcript library that integrates AI-generated call summaries and NLP search technology so their clients can quickly pinpoint the most critical insights. Start your FREE Two-Week trial on their website at https://www.streamrg.com/stream-trial1620164741610 using the promo code 'MICROCAP'
Quartr, their mission is to change the way people look at Investor Relations, and create a completely new bridge between companies and stakeholders. Visit your app store of choice to try it out, and that's Q-U-A-R-T-R. For more information, please visit: https://quartr.com/
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft

Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Joe Magyer, Co-Founder of Lakehouse Capital. I remember seeing Joe's presentation I think a year or two ago at the MicroCapClub Leadership Summit and have been a follower ever since. In this conversation, Joe and I discuss his experience launching the Motley Fool in Australia, Lakehouse Capital's investment approach, research process and so much more.
You can Follow Joe Magyer on Twitter @Magyer: https://twitter.com/Magyer
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Stream by Mosaic, an expert interview transcript library that integrates AI-generated call summaries and NLP search technology so their clients can quickly pinpoint the most critical insights. Start your FREE Two-Week trial on their website at https://www.streamrg.com/stream-trial1620164741610 using the promo code 'MICROCAP'
Quartr, their mission is to change the way people look at Investor Relations, and create a completely new bridge between companies and stakeholders. Visit your app store of choice to try it out, and that's Q-U-A-R-T-R. For more information, please visit: https://quartr.com/
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft

Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Ep. 210 - Simplify with William Green, Author of ”Richer, Wiser, Happier”
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with William Green, Author of "Richer, Wiser, Happier." I didn't really know what to expect prior to our chat - I read William's book, and was excited to chat but you know, chat about the book, his background, the usual. But, wow. I don't really know the best way to preface this conversation other than it has been one of my favorite interviews I've done for this show. William has an encyclopedic recall, professor-like ability to distill important lessons from his resources, and conveyed in an incredibly humble way. I'm still processing everything we discussed and so thankful to have the opportunity. And if there's nothing else you take away from this, just one word: simplify.
For more information about William Green and "Richer, Wiser, Happier", please visit: https://www.williamgreenwrites.com/
You can Follow William Green on Twitter @williamgreen72: https://twitter.com/williamgreen72
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Stream by Mosaic, an expert interview transcript library that integrates AI-generated call summaries and NLP search technology so their clients can quickly pinpoint the most critical insights. Start your FREE Two-Week trial on their website at https://www.streamrg.com/stream-trial1620164741610 using the promo code 'MICROCAP'
Quartr, their mission is to change the way people look at Investor Relations, and create a completely new bridge between companies and stakeholders. Visit your app store of choice to try it out, and that's Q-U-A-R-T-R. For more information, please visit: https://quartr.com/
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft

Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Kyle Cerminara, Co-Founder at Fundamental Global Investors. I've been following Kyle for a while now - this interview was a few months in the making; and I was extremely excited to chat with him about Fundamental Global's investing strategy, particularly in MicroCap stocks. Co-Founded with Joe Moglia, former Chairman and CEO of TD Ameritrade Fundamental Global® is a private partnership focused on long-term strategic holdings, and we discuss what that means, joining public company boards, difference between "activism" and "suggestiv-ism", and much more!
For more information about Fundamental Global Investors, please visit: https://fundamentalglobal.com/
You can Follow Kyle Cerminara on Twitter @kcerminara: https://twitter.com/kcerminara
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Stream by Mosaic, an expert interview transcript library that integrates AI-generated call summaries and NLP search technology so their clients can quickly pinpoint the most critical insights. Start your FREE Two-Week trial on their website at https://www.streamrg.com/stream-trial1620164741610 using the promo code 'MICROCAP'
Quartr, their mission is to change the way people look at Investor Relations, and create a completely new bridge between companies and stakeholders. Visit your app store of choice to try it out, and that's Q-U-A-R-T-R. For more information, please visit: https://quartr.com/
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft

Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Artem Fokin, the Founder and Portfolio Manager at Caro-Kann Capital LLC. He joined me last year on The Investors Roundtable to discuss "MicroCap Due Diligence in the Virtual World", where our focus was how 1x1 meetings with companies have changed. It was only the tip of the iceberg as we discussed why, for Artem, interviewing management is a crucial aspect in his 24/7 hunt for multibaggers. I really enjoyed our conversation as we learned more about Artem's investing philosophy, the "Ideal Investment", how his investing style has changed and more!
For more information about Artem Fokin and Caro-Kann Capital LLC, please visit: http://caro-kann-capital.com/
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Stream by Mosaic, an expert interview transcript library that integrates AI-generated call summaries and NLP search technology so their clients can quickly pinpoint the most critical insights. Start your FREE Two-Week trial on their website at https://www.streamrg.com/stream-trial1620164741610 using the promo code 'MICROCAP'
Quartr, their mission is to change the way people look at Investor Relations, and create a completely new bridge between companies and stakeholders. Visit your app store of choice to try it out, and that's Q-U-A-R-T-R. For more information, please visit: https://quartr.com/
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft

Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Shawn Badlani. He is the Founder and CIO of Honest Capital LLC, and we were introduced by recent pod guest, David Polansky from Immersion Investments (Thank you, David!). Shawn was featured in Reuters in January 2021 for Honest Capital's outperformance and bets placed since launching his fund in May 2020, an incredible story on its own. We discuss starting a fund in the midst of all the uncertainty, and why he placed his bets on Cannabis.
For more information about Shawn Badlani and Honest Capital LLC, please visit: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shawn-badlani-319ab4/
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Stream by Mosaic, an expert interview transcript library that integrates AI-generated call summaries and NLP search technology so their clients can quickly pinpoint the most critical insights. Start your FREE Two-Week trial on their website at https://www.streamrg.com/stream-trial1620164741610 using the promo code 'MICROCAP'
Quartr, their mission is to change the way people look at Investor Relations, and create a completely new bridge between companies and stakeholders. Visit your app store of choice to try it out, and that's Q-U-A-R-T-R. For more information, please visit: https://quartr.com/
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft

Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
For Episode 206 of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Michael Green. He is the Portfolio Manager and Chief Strategist at Simplify Asset Management, and better known as @profplum99 on Twitter. This interview has been a few months in the making and I think the timing of our chat couldn't be better - Michael is a renowned expert on the intersection of economics, markets, regulation and politics, and we discuss it all...well, as much as we could in about an hour (but we cover a lot). From China, Crypto, ETFs, passive investing, we chat about it all. For all our MicroCap diehards out there, I think you'll especially enjoy hearing Michael's experience working at Royce & Associates.
For more information about Michael Green and Simplify Asset Management, please visit: https://www.simplify.us/
You can Follow Michael Green on Twitter @profplum99: https://twitter.com/profplum99
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Stream by Mosaic, an expert interview transcript library that integrates AI-generated call summaries and NLP search technology so their clients can quickly pinpoint the most critical insights. Start your FREE Two-Week trial on their website at https://www.streamrg.com/stream-trial1620164741610 using the promo code 'MICROCAP'
Quartr, their mission is to change the way people look at Investor Relations, and create a completely new bridge between companies and stakeholders. Visit your app store of choice to try it out, and that's Q-U-A-R-T-R. For more information, please visit: https://quartr.com/
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft

Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
For Episode 205 of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Richard Sosa, Host of the "Riches in the Niches Podcast." I've been following Richard for a while now, and wanted to get to know the man beyond his famous food takes. He is a passionate investor and it shows when we dive deep into what Richard calls, "Sosa's Five Forces." I really enjoyed our conversation about his investing style as we turned the mic around on a fellow colleague in the field.
For more information about the "Riches in the Niches" Podcast, please visit: https://richesintheniches.libsyn.com/website
You can Dave Barr on Twitter @RichesNichesPod: https://twitter.com/RichesNichesPod
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Stream by Mosaic, an expert interview transcript library that integrates AI-generated call summaries and NLP search technology so their clients can quickly pinpoint the most critical insights. Start your FREE Two-Week trial on their website at https://www.streamrg.com/stream-trial1620164741610 using the promo code 'MICROCAP'
Quartr, their mission is to change the way people look at Investor Relations, and create a completely new bridge between companies and stakeholders. Visit your app store of choice to try it out, and that's Q-U-A-R-T-R. For more information, please visit: https://quartr.com/
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft

Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
For Episode 204 of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I'm sharing the Planet MicroCap Podcast: LIVE episode with guest, Dave Barr, CEO and Portfolio Manager at PenderFund Capital Management that was broadcast yesterday at the SNN Network Canada Virtual Event. I've had Dave on the program previously and he even gave a keynote earlier this year at the January edition of this event. I invited him back on the program to take a look back because, for those following closely, MicroCaps have been crushed in the last little bit here, Canadian MicroCaps especially, and I thought it would be interesting to chat with someone who's in the trenches to discuss this experience, why this is happening, reflect further on a volatile 2021, and what lies ahead for MicroCaps in 2022.
For more information about PenderFund Capital Management, please visit: https://www.penderfund.com/
You can Dave Barr on Twitter @PenderDave: https://twitter.com/PenderDave
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Stream by Mosaic, an expert interview transcript library that integrates AI-generated call summaries and NLP search technology so their clients can quickly pinpoint the most critical insights. Start your FREE Two-Week trial on their website at https://www.streamrg.com/stream-trial1620164741610 using the promo code 'MICROCAP'
Quartr, their mission is to change the way people look at Investor Relations, and create a completely new bridge between companies and stakeholders. Visit your app store of choice to try it out, and that's Q-U-A-R-T-R. For more information, please visit: https://quartr.com/
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Harold Leishman, Senior Investment Advisor at Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management. He will be moderating a panel at the event showcasing three companies that he discovered using "The Leishman Methodology", which is the topic for today's conversation. I wanted to dig a little deeper into the algorithm Harold and his team put together, backtested, and used to uncover, monitor and lead to more qualitative follow-up with management teams. I really enjoyed our conversation and I highly recommend you sign up for the conference at Canada.SNN.Network to hear his panel as well.
For more information about Harold Leishman and Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management, please visit: https://www.canaccordgenuity.com/
Today's episode is sponsored by:
Stream by Mosaic, an expert interview transcript library that integrates AI-generated call summaries and NLP search technology so their clients can quickly pinpoint the most critical insights. Start your FREE Two-Week trial on their website at https://www.streamrg.com/stream-trial1620164741610 using the promo code 'MICROCAP'
Today's episode is sponsored by Quartr. Their mission is to change the way people look at Investor Relations, and create a completely new bridge between companies and stakeholders. Visit your app store of choice to try it out, and that's Q-U-A-R-T-R. For more information, please visit: https://quartr.com/
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft