
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Ep. 168 - GARP Investing Since Day 1 with Ethan Tucker, Editor at TheGarpInvestor.com
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Ethan Tucker. He is the Editor of The GARP Investor blog at TheGarpInvestor.com, and better known as @TheGarpInvestor on Twitter. It was my first time meeting Ethan after following him for some time on Twitter, and we chat about all things GARP investing. Ethan also works with his family in a commercial real estate business and we chat a little about the space, especially during COVID. Please enjoy!
For more information about Ethan Tucker and The Garp Investor, please visit: https://thegarpinvestor.com/
You can Follow Ethan Tucker on Twitter @TheGarpInvestor: https://twitter.com/TheGarpInvestor
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft

Friday Apr 02, 2021
Friday Apr 02, 2021
For this episode of The Investors Roundtable (#36), we chat about a topic that, frankly, I don't know very much about: Technical Analysis and Trading. Actually, the first time I ever chatted with Kevin Shea was about how he uses "TA" as part of his MicroCap investing strategy. We decided to take the conversation to the next level and discuss whether or not you can have "TA" as part of your fundamental approach. Can you? Listen and find out. Please enjoy!
Joining us today was:
Steven Kiel, Willow Oak Asset Management / Arquitos Capital
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Steven_Kiel
Website: https://www.arquitos.com/
Kevin Shea, Full-time Private Investor/MicroCapClub Contributor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thegoodprick

Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Ted Seides. He is the Author of the new book, titled, "Capital Allocators: How the world's elite money managers lead and invest", and Host of the very popular podcast, "Capital Allocators with Ted Seides". I've been a fan of Ted's show for a long time, and was grateful for the opportunity to learn a bit more about his background and new book, which is now available on Amazon and wherever books are sold.
For more information about Ted Seides and to purchase your copy of "Capital Allocators: How the world's elite money managers lead and invest," please visit: https://capitalallocatorspodcast.com/
You can Follow Ted Seides on Twitter @tseides: https://twitter.com/tseides
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft

Friday Mar 26, 2021
The Investors Roundtable #35: Identifying Great Companies Early
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
This episode of The Investors Roundtable (#35) is inspired by one of my favorite investing books of all time, The Intelligent Fanatics (all three books in the series), which is about how great leaders build sustainable businesses. Our panelists all have years and years of investing experience focused on identifying great companies early, and today, they share their knowledge how they've gone about doing so. Please enjoy!
Here are a few related links from the episode:
Sean Iddings' post about John Hammond: https://www.thewoodshedd.com/posts/2021-03-25-hammond/
Marcus Frampton link of daily list of new names trading OTC:
Joining us today was:
Jason Hirschman, Private Investor/MicroCapClub.com Contributor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EightTrack180
Sean Iddings, Private Investor and Entrepreneur Twitter: https://twitter.com/iddings_sean
Website: https://www.thewoodshedd.com/
Marcus Frampton, Alaska Permanent Fund
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MarcusFrampton

Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Jim Royal. He is the Author of the new book, titled, "The Zen of Thrift Conversions: How to Turn Hidden Bank Stocks into Big Gains." Jim and his book were recommended by one of our listeners, thank you Gunnar, and I'm so stoked he was. I had never even heard of Thrift Conversions before this conversation, and that's saying a lot living the obscure MicroCap land that we do. That's why this episode is the 101 class version, and I think might be now be able to tell you what a Thrift Conversion is, let alone spell it. Jim does a great job detailing this asset class, and as an awesome bonus, he was a contestant on Jeopardy so we chat about his experience there as well. Come for Thrift Conversions, leave with a great story about Jeopardy.
For more information about Jim Royal and to purchase your copy of "The Zen of Thrift Conversions: How to Turn Hidden Bank Stocks into Big Gains," please visit: https://www.thezenofthriftconversions.com/
You can Follow Jim Royal on Twitter @JimRoyalPhD: https://twitter.com/JimRoyalPhD
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft

Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
For this episode of The Investors Roundtable (#34), I've been getting a lot of questions by friends and family about the $1.9T stimulus that's been passed, what this means for markets, money being infused into the economy, as well as mainstream media networks discussing what this could mean for inflation. So, with all that in mind, I thought it would be a good idea to have our panelists share their thoughts on how should we think about Inflation, Deflation, Reflation? Please enjoy!
Joining us today was:
Adrian Day, Adrian Day Asset Management
Website: http://www.adriandayassetmanagement.com/
Steven Kiel, Willow Oak Asset Management / Arquitos Capital
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Steven_Kiel
Website: https://www.arquitos.com/
Gary Ribe, Accretive Wealth Partners
Twitter: https://twitter.com/enterprisinginv

Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Caitlin Cook. She is better known as @Deadcaitbounce on Twitter, and her incredible contributions to the Fintwit community. I'm a big fan and follower of Catilin because she is all about education, where she is actively helping her generation and future generations understand finance and investing, and having a damn good time doing. As you will hear, we chat about the Gen Z investor, where they find ideas, their relationship with the stock market, and then how we can make long term, low cost (or boring) investing cool. Also, we joke a bit about drinking, and just want to remind everyone that we are just having fun here, so please drink responsibly.
You can Follow Caitlin Cook on Twitter @Deadcaitbounce: https://twitter.com/DeadCaitBounce
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft

Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
For this episode of The Investors Roundtable (#33), inspired by last week's show covering the 2020 Berkshire Letter to Shareholders, I wanted to chat with our panelists about what it means to be an ultra long-term investor, meaning, investing and holding a company for 10, 15, 20+ years. We chat about everyone's criteria, mindset - really cover everything you want to know to be this type of investor. Please enjoy!
Joining us today was:
Adrian Day, Adrian Day Asset Management
Website: http://www.adriandayassetmanagement.com/
Jason Hirschman, Private Investor/MicroCapClub.com Contributor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EightTrack180
Steven Kiel, Willow Oak Asset Management / Arquitos Capital
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Steven_Kiel
Website: https://www.arquitos.com/

Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Corey Hoffstein. He is the Co-Founder and Chief Investment Officer at Newfound Research, and Host of the "Flirting with Models" podcast. This was a long time coming, I've been a fan Corey, his work at Newfound, as well as his show, and really enjoyed meeting him, and learning about his investing journey, strategy, Liquidity Cascades white paper, benefits of diversification, market timing and his recent move to the Cayman Islands.
For more information about Newfound Research, please visit: https://www.thinknewfound.com/
Subscribe to "Flirting with Models" here: https://www.thinknewfound.com/podcast
You can Follow Corey Hoffstein @choffstein: https://twitter.com/choffstein
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft

Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
For this episode of The Investors Roundtable (#32), Buffet & Co. published their 2020 Berkshire Letter to Shareholders on February 27, 2021 - there's been many a clubhouse meet-ups already, and we brought our expert panel of Buffet-ites to share their thoughts and insights about Berkshire's most recent letter. Please enjoy!
Joining us today was:
Steven Kiel, Willow Oak Asset Management / Arquitos Capital
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Steven_Kiel
Website: https://www.arquitos.com/
Matthew Peterson, Peterson Capital Management
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MattPetersonCFA
Website: https://www.petersonfunds.com/