
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
Tuesday Aug 18, 2020
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Ben Claremon, Principal, Portfolio Manager and Research Analyst at Cove Street Capital. Quick side note, I’ve met more LA-based investors during COVID-19 than before - definitely in-person happy hour once things normalize a bit. This was a fun chat with Ben, where we really dig in to the many levels of being a contrarian investor. Value investors, for the most part, are natural contrarians looking for great deals in the market. Trying to find ways to understand what the market doesn’t love and why, makes for a good conversation.
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft
For more information about Ben Claremon, please visit: http://covestreetcapital.com/

Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, even though we've been "Virtual" forever, this special episode was broadcast at the SNN Network Virtual Conference on August 4, 2020. Featured for the "VIRTUAL EDITION" are three of my favorite interviewees: Maya Peterson, Perth Tolle, and new to the show, Lauren Templeton. We covered everyone's investing philosophy, backgrounds, who inspired them to be investors, how we as a financial community can do better to encourage more women to invest, and an investing experience that inspired them. This was an incredible conversation and I'm thrilled for you to listen.
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft
Maya Peterson, Author of Lighthouse: Women Leading the Way in Finance @FindingMoats
Perth Tolle, Life + Liberty Indexes @Perth_Tolle
Lauren Templeton, Templeton & Phillips Capital Management, LLC @LCTempleton

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
In this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Taylor Schulte, CFP, Founder and CEO of Define Financial. I found Taylor via his podcasts: Stay Wealthy and Experiments in Advisor Marketing, and I thought it would be interesting to understand CFA and CFP marketing better. As it shows on Define Financial's website, it is very clear, "Retirement Planning For Individuals Over Age 50" - bam, right there, in your face, this is what we do. I've been interviewing more CFA's and CFP's recently, and between my recent interviews with Anna N'Jie-Konte, and now Taylor, it seems that CFA's and CFP's need to carve out their niche - can't be all things to all people. I really enjoyed my time learning about Taylor's firm, and his insights on marketing.
We are ONE WEEK away from our upcoming virtual event, the SNN Network Virtual Investor Conference - August 3-6, 2020. Keynotes, Speakers, Panels, Presenting Companies are now LIVE on the website. I'm really proud of our line-up as we at SNN are making a concerted effort to use our platform to help address important issues in our industry and showcase a diversity of brilliant voices. In order to participate in our event, please register here: https://conference.snn.network/signup
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft
For more information about Define Financial, please visit: https://www.definefinancial.com/
You can Follow Taylor Schulte, CFP on Twitter @DefineFinancial

Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Ep. 131 - What You Learn After Losing One Million Dollars with @TheGladiatorHC
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with @TheGladiatorHC. Keeping up the two-week theme of anonymous investors, @TheGladiatorHC preferred to be interviewed by his very well-known Twitter handle. You're going to have a lot of fun listening to this episode as Maximus Desmus Meridius (nickname for @TheGladiatorHC for the interview) discuss his investing philosophy, strategy, and more thrillingly, what he learned after losing one million dollars. Please enjoy!
We are less than 2 weeks away from our upcoming virtual event, the SNN Network Virtual Investor Conference - August 3-6, 2020. Keynotes, Speakers, Panels, Presenting Companies are now LIVE on the website. I'm really proud of our line-up as we at SNN are making a concerted effort to use our platform to help address important issues in our industry and showcase a diversity of brilliant voices. In order to participate in our event, please register here: https://conference.snn.network/signup
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft
For more information about @TheGladiatorHC, please visit: https://www.thespecinvestor.com.au/
You can Follow @TheGladiatorHC on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/TheGladiatorHC

Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with @ValueStockGeek. The next two weeks here, we got an anonymous investor theme going on here starting with Mr. Geek, but don't let that dissuade you, Mr. Geek knows his stuff. I've been a fan and following him for a while now, and we discuss his investing philosophy, strategy, Value Stock Geek Blog and his upcoming book: "The Weird Portfolio: Avoid Bubbles, Limit Drawdowns and Safely Growth Wealth." We had a great chat and I hope you enjoy!
We are a few weeks away from our upcoming virtual event, the SNN Network Virtual Investor Conference - August 3-6, 2020. Keynotes, Speakers, Panels, Presenting Companies are now LIVE on the website. I'm really proud of our line-up as we at SNN are making a concerted effort to use our platform to help address important issues in our industry and showcase a diversity of brilliant voices.
In order to participate in our event, please register here: https://conference.snn.network/signup
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft
For more information about @ValueStockGeek, please visit: www.ValueStockGeek.com
You can Follow Mr. Geek on Twitter @ValueStockGeek

Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, our host spoke with Anna N'Jie-Konte, Founder of Dare to Dream Financial Planning. Anna is a passionate believer in the empowerment of women and minorities in America. She is the founder of Dare to Dream Financial Planning: a fee-only, virtual financial planning firm that serves the needs of 30/40 something women of color who want to live boldly and make a lasting impact on their family tree.
She is also the host of the “First-Gen Realness” podcast. There, she engages in conversations with her fellow first-generation Americans in order to reinforce their value and immense contributions to the fabric of America. By fostering a sense of community, she hopes to remind her peers that they matter, their stories are important and they are not alone in attempting to navigate multiple cultures with grace. Please enjoy our conversation and learning more about Anna N'Jie-Konte and Dare to Dream Financial Planning.
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft
For more information about Anna N'Jie-Konte and Dare to Dream Financial Planning, please visit: www.daretodreamplanning.com and www.annanjiekonte.com
You can Follow Anna N'Jie-Konte on Twitter @anjiekonte

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
In this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Matthew Peterson, Managing Partner of Peterson Capital Management. Matthew Peterson is the Managing Partner of Peterson Capital Management, LLC. Peterson Investment Fund I was established in 2011 as a capital allocation vehicle with a mission to build enormous wealth for long-term partners.
Matthew has been working as a financial professional for two decades. His experience includes working with global financial services firms Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, American Express, and Ameriprise Financial.
We were introduced by Alex Rubalcava, who I interviewed in Ep. 125, and we had a great conversation, where we learned more about his investing strategy, as well as understanding his unique equity purchasing strategy.
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft
For more information about Matthew Peterson and Peterson Capital Management, please visit: www.petersonfunds.com
You can Follow Matthew Peterson on Twitter @MattPetersonCFA

Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
In this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Lawrence Hamtil, Investment Advisor at Fortune Financial Advisors. Lawrence Hamtil is a sixteen-year veteran of the financial services industry, having served clients in all aspects of the business during his career, which started in 2002. We had a great time answering hard hitting questions from Twitterverse, and getting a better understanding of his investing philosophy and strategy.
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft
For more information about Lawrence Hamtil and Fortune Financial Advisors, please visit: https://www.fortunefinancialadvisors.com/
You can Follow Lawrence Hamtil on Twitter @lhamtil

Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
For this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Kelvin Seetoh, better known by his avatar on Twitter @SlingshotCap. Kelvin has an incredible story and I had a great time learning more about his investing thesis and strategy.
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft
You can Follow Kelvin Seetoh on Twitter @SlingshotCap

Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
In this episode of the Planet MicroCap Podcast, I spoke with Alex Rubalcava, Managing Partner and Co-Founder of Stage Venture Partners. He started his career as an analyst at Anthem Venture Partners, a leading venture capital firm in Santa Monica. After Anthem, Alex spent nearly a decade managing capital in public markets. I invited Alex on because I wanted to better understand portfolio management in venture capital.
Planet MicroCap Podcast is on YouTube! All archived episodes and each new episode will be posted on the SNN Network YouTube channel. I’ve provided the link in the description if you’d like to subscribe. You’ll also get the chance to watch all our Video Interviews with management teams, educational panels from the conference, as well as expert commentary from some familiar guests on the podcast.
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1Q5Yfym
Click here to rate and review the Planet MicroCap Podcast
The Planet MicroCap Podcast is brought to you by SNN Incorporated, publishers of StockNewsNow.com, The Official MicroCap News Source, and the MicroCap Review Magazine, the leading magazine in the MicroCap market.
You can Follow the Planet MicroCap Podcast on Twitter @BobbyKKraft
For more information about Alex Rubalcava and Stage Venture Partners, please visit: www.stagevp.com
You can Follow Alex Rubalcava on Twitter @AlexRubalcava